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Amazing Grace

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and Supplication with thanksgiving. Let your request be made known unto God- Philippians 4:6


When I had you I was steadfast in prayer to be broken by love. to be a better person to your sister and father in Jesus name. I learned that being unlovable is unforgivable and you never regret being loving because that's when God blesses you the most.

(Typing this as you sleep)

Things I want you to learn throughout your life that life taught me

Face your fears

All things work together for Good when you love God and love like Jesus (Bible says so)

Be you!

Respect others, even if you have to stop and breathe and bite your tongue

wake up with a routine that motivates purpose

Always always be thankful, no matter what you have. Give thanks

You always have a friend in Jesus

I love you always and forever

Have Faith

You are loved

Chin up

Your journey to Jesus will be the most fulfilling walk

women are capable of anything they set their mind to

You will have hard times, Don't let them define. You use them to grow

Your name was inspired by the Grace of God because from the moment I heard your heart beat I fell in love. You were mine and i spent my whole life living for me and now I have you to live for and I could never ask for a greater miracle from God to show me his love. Because in my belly you brought me back home, united a family and completely changed my path. A blessing to my life from God to bless others. You now have a huge family that loves you and would do anything for you if you ask. I am more humble since you came into my life and the grace God gave me when I didnt deserve it is why I will always be reminded when I look at you. The Lyn was inspired by my mom and a wonderful women of God I met in Vancouver Washington. I never got to tell her she was the most graceful example of a Christian I ever met. I will forever keep her in my heart because the support she showed me while in ministry can never be replaced. Lyn Rush. Together your name is a combination of GraceLyn for the unmerited grace a mother shows her Daughter through love.

Love is Patient

Love is kind

Love does not envy

Love does not boast

Love is not rude

Love is not self-seeking

Love is not easily angered

Love keeps no record of wrongs

Love does not delight in evil

Love rejoices with the truth

Love Protects

Love trust

Love hopes

Love always perseveres

Love never fails

1st Corinthians 13 4-8

Ezra, your middle name, is in the bible as a male name but I want to you to know that you have the strength and power through the Holy Spirit to do what any man can. Don't ever let someone tell you that your dreams and drive are only preserved for a man. That's what they said about the name Ezra and look at you my G.E.M.

Gracelyn Ezra Marsh


Nick names I gave you while in the hospital or baby nicknames


bean burrito


bee hive



mamas favorite



Honey bee

honey comb



Songs I sang you to sleep

Next to you- Justin Bieber

Always be my baby- Mariah Carey

Loving you

This little light of mine


Amazing Grace

Oh happy day

Children of the Lord

Bear Necessities

My life is not my own

Every year, Every Christmas- Luther

Mary Did you Know

Great is the Lord

Anything Mariah Carey


Brown skin girl

Your future Plans

Social Activities-

My dream for Gracelyn- To love others and to find peace in Jesus

To love justice for all and to be happy

My nightmare would be to have you feel alone. You are never alone. Call on Jesus and he will show show up

Home Life- Active parenting and do my best to teach you before the world does. I learned about racism the hard way and it took me years to understand my identity because of it. You are beautiful and brown 🥰

Everyday wont be perfect, but there is a lesson in the hard days

Eat smart and Don't quit!

Family first!

We are Methodist, Amen!

One of my favorite meal creations:

Chipotle chickpeas

Olive oil

chickpeas (not drained)

soy sauce or liquid amino

chili powder

garlic powder

lime juice

Corn Pudding

Cream style corn



corn starch




Meal Ideas

Baked chicken rice or sweet potatoes and green beans (classic)

homemade oatmeal with apples and raisins

mezzo platter

big salad

sheppards pie

mac and cheese


corn pudding and taco chickpeas

cheesy salmon, beans and rice

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