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Confident Peace


Children caged by persecutions

Mothers harmed by leaving it all

To be free

Running, running barely escaping death

Welcome to Tacoma

City of destiny

Where we do not identify

The same as the land of the USA detaining you before you can dream

Then claims to be free

We are chasing liberty and justice for all

~For the bible tells me so~

This is my poetic Testimony

I grew up in Maine where everyone was white but me and my family-- by the way my mom is white too-Pause

Singled out, poor and eventually homeless

4 little kids 1 white 3 black and 1 in a group home

Either living in a shelter or in my moms car, my mom decided to drop us off in foster care

But guess what

No one wanted us because we were just a little too dark

Systematic Racism left me Disconnected, so i left

Years later I reconnected with my other half in Maryland

The side that gave me this shade

Tryna be black surround by every body white, really messed with my identity

Broken by the system

I went to church and prayed that God would give me direction, hope, family

Five years later

God led me to an older brother cousins, aunts

People I couldn't connect with on my moms side because though my dad fit the description

My white side blatantly did not want to be shaded in

Awareness is key

My brother from another mother encouraged me to be a first generation college grad

To stay close to god and put back the together the pieces of my identity, said he had to be a father for the both of us

Saw that injustice wasn't just in Maine

Its everywhere

All across the US in different forms

You cant escape it but you can get educated, be a change agent

Maine, race division in Frostburg Maryland brought the warrior out of me started writing

Spreading awareness

I'm starting with me

When i graduated college at 29 my Chaplin gave me this brochure and said here make a difference in the world

But god had different plans he placed me here in Washington

Even though I never even looked this far on a map

Working with immigrants and refugees sharing, the real story

Black lives, brown lives, cause you wont read about it in history class or see it on TV

And He's using me

I'm no where near qualified, but I'm willing

Id tell you about the police brutality against people of color

Or housing discrimination but their are people losing their souls everyday

Fighting jesus

The world needs prayer the world is groaning

There is no time to back down

Jesus gives us strength to face the sin of racism, systematic injustice and

You have to pray for a strategy your gifts matter, your life matters

Bipolar depression

excluded, rejected agnostic misdirected, fatherless

The ministry kept me looking at injustice angry begging God for a deliverance

Thank God as global mission fellow through the united methodist church I can now change the trajectory of what it means to be a missionary

no colonizing, no strict religion but called to action, IN THE NAME OF JESUS- (shout)

Inspired by god to advocate justice for ALL

No matter you race, denomination, orientation. Political affiliation (independent people)

Jesus came for the believer and the non believe

Crossing borders, amen!

I tried to do it on my own and god showed me that my heart was in the right place headed just a little angry

Its time to brighten my story

So that everyday I wake up I can pray for peace, not just for me, but communities

Using my gifts, passion,

God I thank you for every step of my testimony

Weaking communities across the world

May peace set us all free

Put FAITH in action

Lift me, strengthen me, help me to put my aggression aside so I can


move real barriers that come up against us

With confident assurance through His name and Power that energizes eternal righteousness to ALL

Christ our Lord give me strength to pray for nations in Jesus, Amen look up

Joyyyy joyyyy will come in the morning, joyyy joyyy comes in the morning but we cant have peace without being set free free from the sin that keeps us chained..tonight we must have faith, that same faith that came from his grace is the same faith that saved me.

Romans 6:14 For sin will no longer be a master over you since you are not under Law but under unmerited grace as recipients of Gods favor and mercy

Obendent prayer

Habitual glory

Actively turning away from the path of transgression that led me to depression

Under GRACE Im carried by the FAITH

That Abraham had

This world is full of so many distractions and limitations

Its gets tough to remain focused in every circumstance

Justified, acquitted, blameless, rise up!

Empowered by our will may truth set us all free

When Doubt starts wavering from many cross roads its easy for the enemy to keep me from connecting the word to my current situation, chained to the deception of worry

Unbelief follows busy work, battle, conflict, failure, uncomfortable convictions and discouragement

Consciously looking to see if God is rerouting me or if my faith is being stretched

Different persecutions require different levels of fight

Victory happened on the cross

Remembering that God already paid the price so that

through His spirit I can be set free

Sin is no longer a master over me!

Empowered by faith

Chains are broken through God’s sanctification

Racism, hate, and violent fear still rage on my social media, at work and in American norms across the world stemming from worldly control and it still makes me angry

I have to pull for strength EVERYDAY to speak up, to make a difference


Confident Peace

As long as my heart is quenched with Gods love I will always be

full of the Holy Spirit

Listening for discernment BEFORE impulses of the weak flesh to lash out with hollow holistility

That only drains my joy and strength to extend peace to people destroyed by strict religion

Grace favor and LOVE are the ONLY things that deliver joy and confident-- strong assurance to say

Not today Devil You have already been defeated by the blood

Your lies kept me helpless before

I am no longer a slave to sin

For His redemption i have been made new...I walk different now.. More lit, grounded purposeful, spiritually led i call that transformation

caminando en la esperanza de lo invisible (walking with hope of the unseen)

For if God is for us who can be successful against us

We are united in christ jesus hallelujah

May we be set free with renewed, set apart purpose

In hope against hope, Abraham believed that he would become a father of many nations as he had been promised by God through hard work and faith.

We the descendants

Justified, acquitted, blameless, rise up!

Empowered by our will may truth set us all free

I have been freed from the bondage of angry depression, doubt, and sin through faith building on my abilities and Gods unconditional love righteousness is strength amen

Call to Action

Mini Sermon

Remember that! (Romans 4:16)

Never disappoints

Therefore inheriting the promise depends entirely on faith that is confident trust in the unseen God in order that it may be given as an act of grace

Remember that even when you were filled with shame mistrust God still covered you

Remember that even when you were a slave to sin God extended freeing grace, favor and mercy

Remember that hope can bring promise empowered by faith

In any situation that includes, pain, injustice, strong hold,

Remember that you can hold on to the promise

Give it to God

The Holy spirit is not just something you read about in Romans

It Is within YOU

Internal peace

Thats what jesus meant when he said Peace Be with you

In your heart Gods love pours abundance that nothing the world can ever fill

Nothing in this world Nothing! gives you peace like the word

Look around at the beauty to go where faith directs holding onto the scriptures that God will make a way

remember the promise of peace is already with you

Remember Victory begins where doubt ends


I Thank you Lord for (Inward peace) redemption and transformation of your standard teaching through my reckless testimony to spread love in Jesus name God saves. I am living proof

Joyyyy joyyyy will come in the morning, joyyy joyyy comes in the morning but we cant have peace without being set free free from the sin that keeps us chained. Tonight we must have faith, that same faith that came from his grace is the same faith that saved me. And having been set free from sin, you have you have been slaves to righteousness leading to set apart sanctification and eternal life

Im pretty sure i went to the whitest high schools in the united states

My mom is white my dad is black

I was in homeless before i went to foster care

So yeah im familiar with racism

I really didnt want to get on the plane to come here, i really didnt even know what Washington was, what was it about

At the airport wondering if this two years is something I can handle or is it even worth it

Didnt realize until december 3 months later after my brother passed away.

I heard a whisper from above saying, your not going for you. Do this for me

Do this for peace, liberty and justice for All, not just the people around you

But the people that had no idea tomorrow can be better

Give people from across borders a reason to believe

Hope to look up that even when you are broke, busted, locked lost and the system aint making it any easier

But how

Im no where near qualified, hell im broken by the same system im trying to fix generational set back got me honestly feeling like giving up

The other day I got a post on facebook from my friend back home in DC asking if i could share a video of her speaking about her son who was wrongfully shot by police

Disqualified soft skills

Adapted to code switching but non the less a change agent

Already weak I lost my brother without any warning

I needed a word

God, I need a word

Why do white people continue to be the enforces of hate and mad when we take a stand at the loss of an innocent man

And the death of justice liberty. Blaming the victim

Is this what you endured on the cross thousands of years ago

Ephesians to be

Far above authority and power and dominion and every name that is named above every title that can be conferred

Im not trying to tell you my story so you can feel that Im better than you for overcoming and hearing the call taking it on and being fearless in this pursuit towards happiness

But its something about the sweet story of justice that

During a itineration missionary support gathering i was asked what does mission look like

I had to actually think about that for a few days

Looking at the people I work with and the different ways they stand for justice

And how they are making a difference every day and how different it looks for everyone

Whether you are meeting with families at the boarder, reducing carbon footprint by not eating meat and reducing your plastic. Or protesting and advocating for just policies or not supporting racist discriminatory business. Or working for a local business that does not support slave

Mission looks different

I'm here today because I love to be out there and in the face of justice by putting my faith in action

A change agent

But for me awareness goes a long way when i put my pen on paper and spread awareness

Let others know that your action, big or small makes a difference

It was when i didnt know another way

That god gave me the grace, mind energy, words space and opportunity to speak out with my testimony

Because maybe my story can help someone who feels as hopeless as i did before the blood

Some days pass and i still have no idea what im supposed to do in the mist of injustice

The world is still crashing down

Donald trump is still president | duces patient and unimaginable endurance so all that tough stuff made us stronger, wiser

Inner peace

World peace

Song to I need you psalms 42 Tori Kelly

I'm not just growing Im evolving I'm not just growing im evolving


Romans Chapter 5-8

While the world is groaning when God has called me to use my gifts and meet fear at the cross to rejoice in praise

Resurrecting excuses from the enemy with truth, love, grace and faith


Saved by nothing other than the certainty that God will do what he said he will do

Cause he did it before

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