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Due Season

Updated: Oct 7, 2019

Lord give me the strength to use your spirit to conquer old ways from creeping in

That try to temp me into hateful actions

And knock me off track of your will and purpose for my life

Give me the ability to have tough conversations

That lead to unwavering stability

Certainly the path you have set leads somewhere greater.

'Increase my faith' (Luke 17:5)

Help me to use a mustard seed to move mulberry trees into seas

Of due season

Covering my deception

Even a tiny size of ambiguity

Could press forward into hope

But without faith

I’m only dwelling in fear


Your love that has the ultimate power to uplift any root

Even the ones I planted in vain

Its up to me to look up

and with confidence,

To Climb that mountain

Small, unsure, able

Luke 17:4

Even if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times and says, “ I repent” you must forgive him


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