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Excuse me that's Racist

Wait a minute

First your like hey things have got to change

Racism is alive

Kill it

Get your hands up

Then your all like shut up

Stop crying

At Least we can buy what we save for

Black or white

What your pockets look like

Thats your comfort

Havent you seen Lebron he like one of the richest people

Hes got more money than me

And hes black

Yeah ok

Remember when someone racist blasted NIGGER

All over his house and car


Cant even buy out of that

Leave my property alone money from my pockets

And while your at it

Stop killing my kids because they

Only left with a weed dream

Locking them up so they can't vote

Straighter, cleaner streets

Profit off the struggle

Im not gonna forget that

Cause as soon as i turn a blind eye

Somebody else die

I put my hands

Up thank you Jesus

It wasn't me

Could have been my sister brother cousin


Too many people out there cant say that their hair caused their family too much pain

Dont just touch my hair

Thats so annoying and its


Sorry i know thats an ugly word but

I call things for what they are

Racism Kills

Prejudice discriminates I get it

Sorry if i poke you with my fear, hurt and wild hair

But racism has buried me for too long

With the time Im still here

They cant take my God from me

No matter how many bible verses of liberation they take away from my version

We still here

Weak cause were human

But strong cause we actually ended up growing

The pain didn’t wound

It was only the root to bloom

Beautifully Fragrant and evergreen

Like Rosemary

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