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From Sunday School to Wesley Theological Seminary

Hello 1st church

As I hold my baby sitting at my dorm style dining room table

I can't help but look around in gratitude

Looking at my center altar of items from Sunday school and church memories

I'm reminded everyday of the Elizabeth's that challenged my ministry to new dimensions with creative and positive suggestions in the suggestion box

Or the Grayson's that reminded me to blow out the candles so we don't have another fire

Or the Evelyn's that hated wearing a mask but kept Jesus like courage to wear it the safe way each Sunday morning

Its was the Scott and William brotherly love that really painted a picture of loving through thick and thin

And the Connors that spread peace and love, loving you just as you are even

If you are Gabby dancing worship style around class, peacefully turning the other cheek

And the Junes that love to paint from the heart

Can not forget the Noah's that could turn anything into a mosaic

I’m reminded of the Jim's that stayed after Sunday school sharing the holy spirit through dedication and unconditional commitment to the boy scouts

The Linda's that patiently helped me like a lifeguard at the Olympics. Always there when I need them

I can not forget the Geoff's that at a minutes notice save the day with 5 magic words, ‘be there in 10 minutes’

And for Nancy, the one and only– who can elevate your potential you didn't know you had

Keeping everything together with grace, resilience and gritty truth. Even though she doesn't have to she ask you what would you like to eat, and serves you a plate of love

Pastor Steve you have one of the most faithfully loving and authentic church body and its because they have a true deliver of the word

Or maybe because no weather person can bring a sunshine message on a cloudy day

These memories will never grow stale and are the reason I am where I am today

Chasing a toddler and holding my sweet baby in our own apartment in the Nation's Capital

Faithfully growing in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. 2nd Peter 3:18

1st church, 1st family

Thank you so much for helping elevate me to my dreams and thank you for trusting me as your Sunday School teacher

I was a teacher on Sundays to students that taught me to keep going and never give up on God's promise for your life

Even when you feel it's impossible when you love like Jesus his Blessings flow through your willing kindness

The blessing you all were to me will forever be before me here on God's table


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