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Keep Me Focused, Even in the Dark

Stuck on who im becoming and

Who i used to be

But thats not me

That weak minded sin filled depressed soul

Thats the person I used to identify as

But now Ive grown and i dont want to let go of the strength that

Pulled me out

Of a pit

A deep black hole of

Degrading regret

Ive been so willing when it was just me

And couldnt see how people couldnt just turn their life around

When they had way more in the way then me

When its not just me Im stuck

I dont want to lose focus and

Turn back to what struck me

Fought me

Hurt me

But I want to see God in new ways

Because he has unimaginaly giving me purpose

I know God loves me either way

But I still dont want to consciously mess up the will he has for my life

Lord keep me on track

I dont want to look back

I want to keep walking forward in your set about purpose


Ready to be used

How can i be in this world and remained covered by your glory

To glorify you

I dont want to aimlessly walk unsure anymore

I want to live in your confident peace

Spirit led, Ordered steps

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