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My Promise to Grace

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

My Promise to Grace

A promise is more than words

The second I heard your heartbeat everything changed

I was forming a life

I was forming you

Scared but sure you were made for me

Then I saw you move and felt you kick

And i was in love

Now that you are here the only thing im scared of is losing you

Everyday you look at me

When you need me

I promise to love you unconditionally forever

To give you the life I never had

Not in things

But in lessons

Just like in the womb

When you are happy, im happy

When your sad, im sad

When you hurt, I hurt

To heal better than before

Through thick and thin

No matter how annoying, cranky, mean, difficult

I promise to never give up on you

To fight for you

Your life will always be just as precious to me as it was when I first heard your heart beat

So when you get older and tell me you hate me for not giving you ever thing you want

One day you will look back at the love that was driven to give you every thing you needed

I will always always always always love you with all my heart

I promise

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