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A Mothers Prayer is Timeless

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Mother's Day reflections:

If I could be completely honest

I didn't want to be a mom

As most people who know me will tell you

I could probably be compared to the next Tracee Elcee Ross. life motto, My life is mine

Maybe it was a front

Maybe I was running from a love I never knew existed

My life is more than mine

What’s mine is hers

My mini best friend

Changed my whole perception of what love is

And now I don’t want to go back

Looking forward

Some would call her a surprise

I call her my saving Grace

Everyday is a new and beautiful reminder that my life is not my own

Thank God for Grace

I still can’t believe I’m a booger pickin, swim lesson, raspberry blowin, nursing in public mom!

Even though I missed the mark

God continues to rewrite my plans beautifully

I wear my Opal G.E.M proudly

As cliche as it sounds it now makes sense

Nothing compares to the love of being a mother


Dc z

Shes helping me write this poem like she knows its about her, she is so cute!

she deserves a million kisses

to know she is loved

The most special day was mothers day because you made me a mom. I couldn't ask for a better gift

~Watching you grow~


May I hold her close and not squeeze too tight

May I learn to guide her, let her make her own mistakes, and learn to say no, respectfully

May she love God

May she know that Brown girls matter

She is beautiful, she is loved

God grant me the grace to be the mother she needs and the person I need to be for me and those around me. To use my mistakes to prosper and show up to be who you have called me to be. May your grace surround us like the air we breathe.

In your precious name



The Grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly-Timothy 1:14


Hug her a little more

Hold her a little more

Give her snuggles a little more

Sing to her a little more

Kiss her forehead a little more

Be there for her a little more

Play with her a little more

Make her feel special a little more

Tell her she's beautiful a little more

Teach her a little more

Inspire her a little more

Guide her a little more

Forgive her a little more

Love her a little more

Its when you cant you'll wish you could

Its when you didn't you wish you did

First Girl

First diaper change

First Love,

God bless many more first

1/2 way to one

6 months to forever!

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