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Only You

Looking for a way out of no way

God you have been so good to me

You have showed me so much grace favor and mercy

Even when I didn't deserve it

You have walked next to me

Even when I rejected you

Picked me up

When I was falling away from you

Defeated the devil

When my strength ran out

With every burden you passed your strength onto me

And even when I didn't say thank you

You still continued to bless me

Lord, thank you!

I can not thank you enough

And that is why I praise you

I give you all the glory

I know that all things are working for my good

With my hand up

Facing you Lord

In the midst of temptation and doubt

I look to you

I know that you will make a way out of no way

You will use every hurt, every battle wound as armor

To get me through whatever is against me

Manifest whats next

So that I am equipped to go out in to the world and

Not just share how you have restored me

But how you can use my battle

To shed light on someone else's.

Every refugee that seeks shelter

Let them seek you lord and be covered

Let your light be the guide through every dark place

Break the chains of religion

The fist of the oppressed


Only you can make a way out of no way

(SING) Oh how I trust thee

Great is thy faithfulness

Slaves travel from all over to escape to freedom by swimming across the water or boating from Detroit to Michigan. This sculpture is in honor of those who had the faith to risked their lives and believing freedom was on the other side.
Gateway to Freedom Sculpture Detroit MI

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