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Opinion Quicksand

I cant keep dwelling on what others think about me

Because every time I think about how someone else viewed what Idid yesterday or earlier

It keeps me from doing better right now

I get so stuck on the idea, scared of the possible outcome, instead of walking comfortable in what I can do

Thinking about a thought is like being caught in quicksand

But when I refocus

In a snap

That opinion has no spiraling effect on my circumstance

And im back to moving, growing and owning my new walk that i got from having a little fire under me in the thought that I should probably recover what was lost in the time I took pulling myself out of my illusional doubt

The time wasted was real

So I have no more time to waste

Time is of the essence

And no where in there is your opinion

Sorry not sorry

I love you

But God’s plan for my life can only work when I'm joyful, focused and moving forward.

You are encouraged and welcomed to share the come up, but right now im on a mission

To get these broken pieces back together so that I can be all that God has called me to be

Gotta Keep my head up


Finding ways to see the blessings around me

Even when I fall short


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