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Saved by Grace

She makes my choices better

She makes my path happier

She give my purpose more of a glow

Who I was before is more lit because she’s with me

I have a reason to do good

So I can pass it onto her

Her precious little life is in my hand

And sometimes it’s scary

But sometimes it’s more beautiful than anything else I’ve ever held

She’s beautiful delicate and growing


She’s mine

She is me and I am her

I can never condemn someone for having an abortion because, yes I have had one

But oh the blessing of gods grace to have this child I can only hope that one day

Someone down and low can see the blessing and get back up

A life is a gift

But I never would have seen this gift in a different season

Back when it was pouring


tsunami no life could withstand

She is my gift from God

Because she reminds me everyday

That no matter how far away i have strayed

No matter how many times I missed the mark

No matter how many times i lose faith in humanity

Myself and Christians

She is my blessing to get back on track

To do better

And to love more

Thank God I have a relationship with Jesus because

Carrying the weight of mistakes would get too heavy to live for the smile of

Right here

To pick dandelions on our walk

Taking time to sing “isn’t she lovely” at the bus stop realizing that song was about joy

Of a baby

Spending time with family when I wouldn’t alone

Thank you Jesus for saving a wrench like me and restoring my faith to see your grace

And blessing

And giving me the best gift

New life


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