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Should Christians Offer Forgiveness to the Lapsed?: I'm still here!

This topic in Cyprian’s letter 55 is very important to me because I am a Christian that has turned away from Christ, fell away from the faith, and denounced the church. I was in the world still associated with being a Christian, but by definition I was lapsed yet was forgiven.

I can think of two testimonies that brought me crying right back to Jesus. When my brother passed away in my first year as a missionary and most recently when I knew it was against God's will and ended up in a an abusive relationship. After leaving that relationship I was homeless, no job with a toddler-baby and one on the way. I was able to repent by asking for forgiveness, admitting my guilt and turning my shame over to the Lord. It was then, God started talking to me through my writings and desire for ministry. I was forgiven, reconciled and restored.

I agree with Cypris that there is no salvation outside of the church i.e. outside of a relationship with Jesus. By offering forgiveness we have the opportunity to grow others in faith. Everyone's story is different and everyone needs another experience of forgiveness as we are forgiven. Most of the pure Christians condemned me for my unconventional situation but my penance is personal.

I believe the dimensions of forgiveness can be both personal and private. I woke up to the holy powers when I looked on social media and realized the path to Jesus was still possible. It took a public platform to restore my personal relationship with God. I am a better mother and Christian for it. I know that we all have the potential to admit our guilt and give our shame to God because he died for the believer and the unbeliever. Inspire someone with your story, anyone, and they can walk the faith walk too…Amen

I'm still here!

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