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The Echo of Sin Is In The Way I Speak

I’m angry like angry angry broken confused distant lost

I’ll be honest I’m angry bitter and ugly at times because

My trauma makes it hard to feel blessed

I got a degree I’ve escaped to different states

Trying to seek less stress

I can hear God saying spread love but

I’m constantly reminded of white supremacy every single day on how I speak, act think and am perceived

So when I hear about George Floyd Eric garner Korryn Gaines I’m forced to feel

Let me breathe

Let black people breathe

Stop expecting so much

Just step up and take the burden for once

Dang isn’t it enough that everyday we’re choked with the reminder to prove we matter

When we straighten our hair and talk like this

Ugh It’s too much to even put in to words to comprehend it’s just another echo of a sin...


Honestly I wasn’t born a fighter but I gotta do what I gotta do because if i don’t the fighters still fight while I lose

Echooo echooo echoooo

Slavery to separation to hate


America’s original sin

Justice for George Floyd and all black people who can’t breathe because of the systemic echo of injustice discrimination suffocating their voice

Privileged citizens speak up—we tired of explaining

May we one day mourn the pressure that comes from being black

And soon

Celebrate our brothers and sisters

I’ve honestly been hopeless these last few days and would normally write a book but felt like their was nothing new to say

We come together for prayer healing and justice not just because we need it but because remembering God is still here in the midst gives us hope

When we pray we’re supposed to have faith and to have faith we need to have some sort of hope to hold onto

Four years ago I had no hope, and lost all faith in humanity but there is a civil war literally going on and at some point it’s going to wake some people up who have been clinging to their eyes being closed.

It’s time to open the eyes of the blind

We acknowledged the sin of homophobia, we acknowledged unequal treatment of women but the majority still don’t want to address the sin of racism and that’s why I feel we still have a long way to go. Why do we still have to prove our existence matters. This is an injustice. Denying racism is just another echo of sin

Verse Concepts

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.

He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set free those who are oppressed,

May we continue seeking ways to open the eyes of the blind, free the prisoner and check our implicit biases to make a world anew. The flood of ignorance is no longer bliss; we must take cover today, Amen.

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