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The Test of Faith

I've met Gods grace, and soon after I met shame. How did I get here? How do I get out. Maybe God wants me to extend His grace

But the shame, its heavy, kinda crippling its keeping me down

Weighing on my ability to believe I have any other call on my life

Slowing forgetting I am a child of God

Feb 2022

I met Gods grace

But shame has me on the edge of giving up

Pretending to be holy

While losing hope

Then once again

Do I give up on God because of this sinful shame

it's With me everywhere

Allowing man to tell me who I am

Take away my morals

To strip me of my self worth

Feb 2022

Then I met Faith

And life became renewed

Things were still the same

But the shame turned into courage

Courage became strength

And strength became motivation into new direction

Same drive

But stronger passion

Called to raise awareness

Trust that what's ahead is better than right here, but right here still has purpose

Still able to love, love more

Still able to believe, believe more

Still able to advocate, advocate more

Still able to hope, hope more

I met faith

March 2022

I cant see it

But I at least know that

Everything is going to be ok

Because God has never not been there

God has never not revealed that the pain

Has purpose

And though there is a test its not to fail you

Its to strengthen you for whats next

I used to say im battered and bruised deep in the valley

After I met grace

And now that I have Faith

I can rest in what Ive learned and know

Over the hills, through the valley

Is not only hope, transformation and growth

though the shame still lingers

I can hold onto the breakthrough that is ahead

June 2022


I turned to God

But I still can't shake this shame and fear

Hiding behind fear

Honestly I've been the most scared I've been in my life

Fear of leaving the house

Fear of being seen

Fear of losing my babies

Fear of our future

Fear of being a mother

Fear of moving forward

Fear of making a decision

It's easy to say

Believe in God

It's easy to say have faith

But it's another thing to do those things in the midst of things crashing around you

With everyone against you

And your in the room with just you and God

Asking why me

But then you hear God whisper in your ear

read proverbs and this verse sticks out

-Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” Proverbs 3:5-6

in the mean time

Holding on to faith


Faith starts as baby faith

And then you witness fruit and it grows

Then the storm rages on

It bends and shakes

Nearly breaks

Almost blew away

But your faith remains unwavering

Then your faith goes from baby faith to maybe faith

Because no one knows your strom

Like you do

No one saw your storm go from sun, rain, clouds, raging storm, clear skies to calm like you did

No one spiraled into desperate covering like you had to

Only God sent the rescue float, team and essentials

Thats the only explanation of being pulled out the mud

Thought it was over

No end in sight

But God

But God

New storm, new outlook

Faith Forward

Faith through

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