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From the Bottom of My Broken Heart

Finding the strength to encourage when your soul is

Mending from generational damage

Taking your broken pieces to pull together someone else

That strength can only come from God

The power to inspire when your inspiration has run out

When you've spent so much time picking up piece after piece

trying to fix yourself

you think back to the times you just

couldn't understand why someone didn't extend a hand

to you

When they were experiencing a blessing

I never want to hold on to the grace and favor so tight

I forget to release what God made to be shared

When God distributes his loves equally

Everyone deserves a second chance,

because it was in my

Last chance, I saw healing

In spaces that weren't meant for me

Those times when people found the strength to love me

When I didn’t deserve it

Because my actions were unbearably hard to love

Lord, I love you not just because you first love me

But because you loved me in spite of my cracks that cut deep enough to scar

Mending what was damaged, restoring what was broken

I am the work of art I am today

Still a little chipped on the edges

But able to be molded in His Image

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